Next-Gen Security Penetration Testing


Let our experts consult for you!

Stay Ahead of Hackers
with Our Award-winning Solutions
  • Complete in 5+ days
  • Surprisingly cost-effective
  • World-class experts at your side

Your trusted partner - Guaranteed by the best!

2022 Vietnam Cybersecurity Services Company of the Year
 11 Gold Awards Cybersecurity Excellence Awards 2023
13 Gold Awards Cybersecurity Excellence Awards 2022

We are the Award-winning cybersecurity services

and 300+ Organisations, MNCs, SMEs, MCSTs & Non-Profits around the globe

Why do you need penetration testing ?

Uncovering your hidden vulnerabilities before others do

Penetration Testing, also known as Pentest, is a proactive cybersecurity practice that involves simulating real-world attack scenarios to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in an organization's digital infrastructure, applications, and networks. 

IT systems always exist security weaknesses that can be exploited by hackers.
That's why you need Pentest

See common Q&A

Many businesses are required to comply with industry regulations or legal requirements such as Data Privacy Act, PCI DSS, ISO 20071, GDPR that mandate regular pentesting to ensure the baseline security of their systems and data. 

Ensure regulatory standards

By regularly performing pentests, organizations can stay one step ahead of potential threats, safeguard sensitive data, protect customer trust, and uphold the overall security of an organization's digital assets.

Elevate your cyber security

Penetration testing can help businesses identify and address vulnerabilities in their systems and networks, thereby safeguarding sensitive data from cyberattacks and data breaches.

Reduce the risk of breaches

 Get 1-1 Consultation Now

World-class cybersecurity experts always at your side

• Microsoft
• Google
• Zimbra
• Facebook
• BugCrowd
• Telerik
• Mattermost
• LimeSurvey
• Paypal
• Richfaces
• Cisco
• Chrome
• Tesla
• Okta
• Twilio
• Struts
About 400 Zero-day detected in various platforms

Our team work 24/7 to ensure the absolute safety for customers in every countries no matter sizes

• Top 1 in Twilio Bug Bounty Program
• Top 3 of BugCrowd researchers
• Top 10 in Paypal Inc. Bug Bounty Program
• Top 20 in Microsoft Bug Bounty Program
• Top 30 in Tesla Bug Bounty Program
• Top 70 in Facebook Bug Bounty Program.
Hall of Fame in Big Bug Bounty Program
• Top 5 of Pwn2Own 2020 in Tokyo - Japan
• Top 5 of Pwn2Own 2021 in Vancouver - Canada
• Top 2 of Pwn2Own 2022 in Toronto - Canada
• Top 3 of Pwn2Own 2023 in Vancouver - Canada
Winners of Pwn2Own


We provides comprehensive testing that encompasses all the essential requirements necessary to attain compliance with CREST, ISO 27001, HIPAA, SOC2, GDPR standards, and other frameworks.

Maximize ROI
Minimize Costs

Detailed technical report 
We know that a simple report will not sastified you. Our report will provide you an in-depth technical report describing the details of the engagement scope, methodology, testing and specific findings.
Prioritized recommendations
We will provide specific and prioritized recommendations based on the potential security impact and exploitability of vulnerabilities or weaknesses discovered across your environment.
The most advanced tools
We have exclusive list of 0-day and 1-day vulnerabilities . Self-developed tools including 1day scanner, Xpentest and Threat Intelligence to collect and integrate databases and knowledge about the client and threats from various sources​​
Don't waste any more time.
Say goodbye to the stress of finding the right pentest partner and choose our company for budget-smart assessments that exceed your expectations!

with our Next-gen pentest

Industry: Banking and Finance

Discover our client successful stories...

Size: 6,000-7,000 employees

One of the largest digital joint-stock commercial banks in Vietnam
- Transactions through digital channels accounting for 95% of the bank's total transactions,
- Providing over 2,000 payment services
across a wide range of sectors
- 1.06 million active and regularly used bank accounts
Detect multiple information security vulnerabilities which allow attackers to gain access and privilege escalation deep into the system
Detect logical flaws in the payment flow that allow attackers can take advantage of buying any gift card for free
Mitigate potential risks of external system, thus contributing to the safety of the customer​

What we help them...

Minimize false positive rates and optimize costs by up to 80%.
Vulnerability detection time
Protection coverage
Cost savings
False positive rate
Streamlined reporting
4~5 weeks
Traditional Pentest
5~7 days
Viettel Pentest

See detail casestudy here

We will send you a security diagnostic report sample
You can see a sample of the report that reports the vulnerabilities discovered in the security diagnosis, the specific content, reproducibility method, the risk, and the countermeasures.

Understand what you will get

Download sample report

Start with us easily

Client sends audit request to Viettel Cyber Security​

Viettel Cyber Security returns audit plan ​

Client prepares audit environment ​

Viettel Cyber Security conducts the audit process

Sends audit results and remedies guidelines for detected vulnerabilities ​

Client takes remedies as guided and sends re-audit request. ​

Implementation method

Black Box 

Accessing to clients’ IT system from the Internet: Provision of internal data is not required
Audit as hacker, finding vulnerabilities only without impact on client’s system.

White Box

Client is required to provide information related to internal and external IT system to perform.
Testing as a network administrator, audit of potential risks from source code of the system, finding vulnerabilities only without impact on client’s demands, anywhere and anytime

The vulnerabilities

Based on description of vulnerabilities in the list of Top 10 ranked by OWASP, VCS has developed criteria to identify the vulnerabilities of a web system, including 7 key items:
  • Authentication management: Avoid vulnerabilities that cause account loss.
  • Login session management: Avoid vulnerabilities that hack the control of login.
  • Decentralization: Avoid vulnerabilities that allow unauthorized functions to be performed.
  • Interaction with back-end: Avoid vulnerabilities that cause data loss.
  • Input data control: Keep information security for data that is sent to server.
  • Output data control: Keep information security for users.
  • Control of 1-day vulnerabilities of libraries and framework.


Every companies want to protect their sensitive data (customers, staff, payment information) from a breach need regular pentest. Some of these are the example:

1. Financial Institutions: Banks, credit unions, investment firms, and other financial service providers handle vast amounts of sensitive financial data. 
2 Healthcare Organizations: Hospitals, clinics, and healthcare providers are responsible for handling sensitive patient data. 
3. E-commerce Companies: Online retailers and e-commerce platforms handle customer payment information and personal data.
4. Technology Companies: Organizations involved in software development, cloud services, and IT infrastructure management need regular VAPT to ensure the security of their products and services.
Which company need penetration testing
Penetration tests and vulnerability assessment (VAPT) mapping are both important when it comes to the proper security of your business. These two activities can complement each other.

- Vulnerability assessment searches for security gaps within your applications/network. A thorough scan ensures any new vulnerabilities are found and patched, enabling you to focus on dealing with more serious ones quickly. However, vulnerability scans do have their limitations; they sometimes miss vital red flags and they can give false positive results.

- A penetration test is more sophisticated and mimics a ‘real life’ attacker, attempting to break your system or network. Penetration testing mostly focuses on advanced cases, revealing and exploiting any types of security gaps that have not yet been discovered by the IT security staff.
Do I need a penetration test if my company already runs vulnerability scans?
Penetration testing services should be used regularly, at least once a year, for regular vulnerability assessments and prevention of new attack scenarios, as well as after introducing major changes to the system.
How often should a penetration test be done?

Save your time with our experts

If you have any questions, don't hestitate to contact our expert.

"Viettel Cyber Security embodies three major features we judges look for to become winners: understanding tomorrow's threat, providing a cost-effective solution; and innovating in unexpected ways that can mitigate cyber risk and get one step ahead of the next breach"

Gary S.Miliefsky, Publisher of Cyber Defense Magazine


Viettel Cyber Security Company - Branch of Viettel Group

Official address: No 1 Tran Huu Duc Street, My Dinh 2 Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi, Viet Nam.

• Headquater in Hanoi: 41F, Keangnam Landmark 72, Pham Hung St., Nam Tu Liem Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam.
• The Southern Office: Floor 32F - Viettel building, 285 Cach Mang Thang Tam Street, Ward 12, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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To know if your data and digital asset are truly secure